Sports Values

General Terms & Conditions

Article 1 – Definitions

In these ‘“General Terms and Conditions” for Sports Values Camps, the following terms are defined as:

1.1. “Sports Values Camps”: official name Values Sports & Events, known under the trade name Values Camps, established in Holland, referred to below as “Values Camps”.

1.2. “Participant”: the named person who under the Agreement between Values Camps and Principal participates in an Event organised by Values Camps.

1.3. “Principal”: the natural person or legal entity who enters into the Agreement with Values Camps, generally the parent or guardian of the participant. 

1.4. “Registration Form”: the form on the Website of Values Camps, which formulates an agreement between Sport Values Camps and the Principle. 

1.5. “Agreement”: the agreement between Values Camps and Principal with regard to participation by Participant in an Event organised by Values Camps, formalised by completion of the registration form on the website.

1.6. “Event”: a day camp, international day camp, overnight camp or clinic organised by Values Camps, as defined in the offer of Values Camps on the Website and the Registration Form.

1.7. “Travel Sum” is the cost of the event as described in the agreement between the Principle and Sports Values Camps. 

1.8. “Website”: the website of Values Camps, identified by the url:

Article 2 – Applicability

2.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers made by Values Camps, confirmations of orders and related agreements.

2.2.. Deviations from or additions to Agreement or the General Terms and Conditions shall only apply if Values Camps has given its prior written consent.

2.4. If any single General Term or  Condition is not applicable or contrary to Public Order or Legislation or the Law, only the relevant provision will be considered as not written and all other General Terms and Conditions will remain valid in full force.

2.5. Values Camps is entitled to amend these General Terms and Conditions and/or the Agreement at any time. 

2.6. Values Camps are entitled to change the prices of an Event at any time. Previous agreements and the price confirmed at the time of agreement still stand. An Event may be temporarily offered for a lower or higher sum. This does not entitle previous principles to a refund.

Article 3 – Registration

3.1. All offers of Values Camps are subject to the availability and Sport Values reserve the right to decline registrations. 

3.2. The Agreement shall be approved after the Principal has digitally submitted the Registration Form, to be found on the Website. The agreement does not stand until approval has been received. 

3.3. In case of registration via internet, a 14-day reflection period in relation to a remote purchase applies. Within this reflection period, registration may be cancelled free of charge without giving a reason, provided this is submitted in writing, addressed to

3.4. In case of any changes made after 14 days of the confirmation date, an administration fee of €10 will be charged.

Article 4 – Payment

4.1. Payment must be made within 7 days after receipt of the digital booking confirmation sent by Values Camps and before the start of the Event.

4.2. For bookings made after 31 May of each calendar year, payment must be made within 2 days after receipt of the booking confirmation and before the start of the Event.

4.3. In case of non-timely payment, Values Camps reserves the right to cancel the Agreement and the Principal will be liable for the cancellation costs in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 paragraph 2 or Article 12 paragraph 3 of these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 5 – Code of conduct

5.1. The Participant must adhere to the code of conduct for the duration of the event. The full code of conduct can be found in the policies section of the website. 

5.2. A Participant who fails to adhere to the code of conduct agreement set out by Values Camps can be excluded by Values Camps from further participation in the Event. This is at the discretion of the Event Manager. In this instance, the Principal and/or Participant are not entitled to a refund of the payment for participation in the relevant Event. All resulting costs and damages shall be for the expense of the Principal and/or Participant.

Article 6 – Privacy

6.1. Principal and Participant agree that (personal) data provided by Principal and Participant to Values Camps may be used to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of the Agreement and related purposes, including, but not limited to, editorial, commercial and promotional purposes related to Events of Values Camps, analysis purposes and making targeted offers.

6.2. Principal and Participant have the right to view the (personal) data of Principal and Participant processed by Values Camps.

6.3. On the written request of Principal and/or Participant, the (personal) data of Principal and Participant processed by Values Camps will be removed from the database of Values Camps.

Article 7 – Images and audio material

7.1. Principal and Participant agree that during and/or around Events of Values Camps in which Participant participates, audio recording(s), photo(s) and/or video(s) may be made with the recognisable image of Principal and/or Participant and that these audio recording(s), photo(s) and/or video(s) made by Values Camps may be used by Values Camps for all purposes, including but not limited to editorial, commercial and/or promotional purposes.

7.2. Principal and/or Participant unconditionally transfer all rights to the audio recording (s), photo (s) and/or video (s) stated in paragraph 1 of this article to Values Camps.

7.3. If Principal and/or Participant do not agree with audio recording(s), photo(s) and/or video(s) being made or used as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, Principal and/or Participant must inform Values Camps in writing, prior to the relevant Event of Values Camps addressed to

Article 8 – Lost property

8.1. Lost property from the overnight camps of Values Camps will be kept until two weeks after the end of the relevant camp. After this period Values Camps is entitled to transfer the found items to a charity.

8.2. A service fee will be charged to Principal and/or Participant for the return of lost property.

8.3. Lost property found at the (International) Day Camps and Clinics of Values Camps will be held at the club/location in question.

Article 9 – Liability of Values Camps

9.1. Values Camps excludes – except in case of damage caused by intent and/or gross negligence of Values Camps – any liability for damage to luggage and/or other personal property of Participant, whether or not deposited with Values Camps, as a result of theft, loss and/or damage.

9.2. Participation in an Event of Values Camps – except in case of damage caused by intent and/or gross negligence of Values Camps – is entirely at the risk of the Principal and/or Participant. Values Camps excludes all liability as a result of injuries, physical complaints or inconvenience in the broadest sense of the word, which have occurred during or as a result of a Values Camps, completely and is in no way liable for compensation of damages and/ or costs nor refund of the costs of participation.

9.3. Values Camps accepts no liability for damage for which a claim for compensation exists under a travel and accident insurance or under a (liability) insurance of third parties involved by Values Camps in the fulfillment of the Agreement.

9.4. Values Camps accepts – except in case of individual transport by Values Camps itself or except in case of intent or gross negligence of Values Camps – no liability for the transport of Participant. Participant should, where appropriate, submit a claim with the relevant carrier. Values Camps will provide the name of the carrier on the request of Participant and/or Principal.

9.5. Without prejudice to the provisions stated in the preceding paragraphs of this article, any liability of Values Camps is limited to the amount to which, in the case in question, a claim exists under its (liability) insurance(s).

9.6. The texts, images and videos on the Website describe the content of a Values Camps Event as well and accurately as possible. Despite the fact that they represent a Values Camps Event as faithfully as possible, this representation is not binding. Possible deviations – for whatever reason – are possible.

Article 10 – Liability of Principal and/or Participant

10.1. Principal is liable for all damage to property of Values Camps and/or any third party, caused by the participant. This may be a direct or indirect result of non-compliance with the code of conduct as described in Article 5 of these General Terms and Conditions. 

10.2. Principal shall indemnify Values Camps against claims by third parties for compensation of damages resulting from or related to the use of facilities and/or services by the Participant under the Agreement.

Article 11 – Force majeure, amendment or cancellation by Values Camps

11.1. If, due to force majeure, Values Camps is wholly or partially prevented from fulfilling one or more of its obligations under the Agreement, Values Camps is entitled to offer an alternative, as described in paragraph 3 of this article, or to suspend the Agreement in whole or in part without judicial intervention, by means of a Values Camps voucher, described in Article 16 of these General Terms and Conditions, or to have the Agreement terminated, without Values Camps being obliged to pay any compensation to the Principal.

11.2. Force majeure, as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, includes, but is not limited to:

  1. The circumstance that third parties engaged by Values Camps, such as suppliers, sports clubs, sports centers, sports facilities, (sports) accommodations, carriers or other parties on which Values Camps depends, fail to meet their obligations, or fail to meet their obligations in a timely manner;
  2. Weather conditions, natural disasters, pandemics, terrorism, cybercrime, disruptions to the (digital) infrastructure, roadblocks, strikes or interruptions of work and travel and trade restrictions;
  3. Insufficient registrations for participation at a Values Camps camp, which is the case if the number of registrations is less than 40 participants at a Values Camps camp.

11.3. An equivalent alternative includes, but is not limited to, Events in the same price range, period and age group.

Article 12 – Cancellation by Principal

12.1. Cancellation must be stated in writing, addressed to , with the date of the cancellation email serving as the reference date for the provisions of paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 of this article.

12.2. In case of cancellation of the Agreement of an Values Camps camp, the following sums will be charged per Participant:

  1. Up to and including 14 days after registration, 0% of the total Travel Sum;
  2. Up to and including 12 weeks prior to the start of the Event, 30% of the total Travel Sum;
  3. From the 84th day (inclusive) to the 42nd day prior to the start of the Event, 50% of the total Travel Sum (when applicable);
  4. From the 42nd day (inclusive) until the 5th day prior to the start of the Event, 75% of the total Travel Sum ( when applicable);
  5. From the 5th day (inclusive) until the day of commencement of the Event and during the Event, 100% of the total Travel Sum (when applicable)

12.3. In the event of cancellation, the Participant is entitled to designate another person to take his/her place. An administration fee of €35.00 will be charged.

Article 13 – Amendments by the Principal

13.1. Principal and/or Participant is entitled to make amendments to the Agreement free of charge up to and including 14 days after the conclusion of the Agreement.

13.2. In the case of overnight camps of Values Camps, Principal and/or Participant is entitled to make additional amendments in the booking up to and including 4 weeks before departure, limited only to a coach journey, airport service and travel and accident insurance.

13.3. In the case of Day Camps and International Day Camps, the Principal and/or Participant is entitled to have additional amendments made to the booking at all times, limited only to decreasing or increasing the number of days of participation. No administration fee will be charged for these amendments.

13.4. In the event that a Surrender Cancellation Risk insurance is taken out, the premium of the policy may change in the event of amendments by the Principal and/or Participant.

Article 14 – Insurance

14.1. Values Camps offers participants an accident insurance with extensive sports coverage.

Article 15 – Surrender cancellation risk

The cancellation risk can be surrendered for a fee of 6% of the total Travel Sum. For the settlement of the cancellation risk, Principal and/or Participant can only cancel with a valid reason.

15.1. The Surrender Cancellation Risk can be taken out up to a maximum of 14 days after registration. An administration fee of € 7.75 will be charged for taking out Surrender Cancellation Risk.

15.2. Payment of the Travel Sum will only be made in the event of cancellation as a result of an uncertain event, as referred to in points a to g inclusive:

  1. Death, serious illness or serious accidental injury of Participant, family members in the 1st or 2nd degree or housemates of Participant;
  2. A medically necessary procedure which the Participant may unexpectedly undergo;
  3. When, on medical advice, the Participant cannot obtain a vaccination that is mandatory for the Event;
  4. When the Participant is unexpectedly called for a re-exam that cannot be scheduled at another time than during the Event;
  5. The sudden and unexpected breakdown, within 30 days prior to the commencement of the Event, of the private means of transport to be used by the Participant to make the foreign journey to the Event;
  6. The unexpected failure, through no fault of the Participant, to obtain the required visa;

Article 16 – Values Camps Voucher

16.1. A Values Camps Voucher is a voucher.

16.2. If the event has been cancelled due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, as described in article 11.1 of these Terms and Conditions, Values Camps may issue a so-called voucher.

16.3. The value of the Values Camps voucher is equal to the Travel Sum, and if booked includes the costs of the Surrender Cancellation Risk and/or travel and accident insurance, which has been paid by Principal and/or Participant at the time the voucher was issued.

16.4. The Values Camps voucher is only valid for all Events organised by Values Camps.

16.5. The Values Camps voucher is valid for two consecutive calendar years from the date of issue.

16.6. If Principal and/or Participant does not use the voucher, Principal and/or Participant is entitled to apply for a full refund from 12 months after the date of issue of the voucher.

16.7. The Values Camps voucher is transferable to another participant for a Values Camps Event, as described in article 12.4 of these General Terms and Conditions.

16.8. When Principal and/or Participant uses the voucher for the same type of Event, any price modifications will not be settled.

Article 17 – Complaints and shortcomings

17.1. Complaints and shortcoming must always first be reported by Principal and/or Participant to the Supervisor or Technical Director of the Event, so that the issue can be resolved on the spot.

17.2. If the complaint or shortcoming is not resolved properly, Principal and/or Participant must request the Supervisor or Technical Director of the Event to make a written report.

17.3. A complaint or shortcoming must be submitted in writing within two weeks after the end of the Event via This written complaint must state in any case:

  1. Date of the complaint, name, telephone number(s) and e-mail address;
  2. Name, telephone number(s) and e-mail address of the complainant(s);
  3. Name of Principal and Participant;
  4. Name, location and dates of the Event;
  5. Type and description of the complaint;
  6. A copy of the written report of the camp leadership.

17.4. A complaint will be answered in writing as soon as possible, but in any case within six weeks after it has been received.

17.5. If a complaint is not dealt with within the period as stated in paragraph 4 of this article, Values Camps will send an acknowledgement of receipt within this period and state a new period within which a response can be expected.

17.6. Complaints and shortcomings that are submitted after the return of Principal and/or Participant without having been recorded in writing by the Supervisor or Technical Director of the relevant Event, will not be dealt with.

Article 18 – Applicable law

18.1. The Agreement and all agreements resulting thereafter shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law. 

18.2. All disputes that may arise between the parties as a result of the Agreement or agreements arising thereafter shall be settled by the competent court of the District Court of Tilburg.