Sports Values


Scholarship in the uk

From whom?

Young athletes aged between 10 and 17 with a good grounding in English, eager to progress in private schools renowned for their academic and sporting standards.

An unusual opportunity to become bilingual while improving academically and athletically in a challenging, international setting.

Which sports?

Hockey, Football, Tennis, Golf, Rugby…

Types of Scholarship

  • Full scholarship: 100% of the stay financed by the scholarship
  • High scholarship: >50% of the stay financed by the scholarship
  • Medium scholarship: 50% of the stay financed by the scholarship
  • Low scholarship: < 50% of the stay financed by the scholarship

Our Fees

Depending on the scholarship obtained:

  1. Full scholarship:  100% of the stay financed by the scholarship: 3,000 €
  2. High scholarship: >50% of the stay financed by the scholarship: 2,500 €
  3. Medium scholarship: 50% of the stay financed by the scholarship: 2,000 €
  4. Low scholarship: < 50% of the stay financed by the scholarship: 1,000 €

Terms and conditions

By signing a contract at the beginning of the process, the families undertake to pay Values SL according to the terms and conditions stipulated above if they are awarded and accept a scholarship.

The payment will be made before the signature of the scholarship.

  • 50 €: admin fee
  • 200 € at the time of the interview with the school
  • Standard contract
  • For more information on the schools available, please contact us!

Process UK

Documents to provide

Video of the player, school record proof of parents icome, English diploma (not mandatory), Values contract

School Interview

Interview with the school

Signature of the scholarship

If scholarship process successful


Preparing for the interview with the school and determine the ceiling price (what the family is prepared to pay to negotiate the scholarship)

Scholarship offer

School scholarship offer

Our fee

Payment to Values

Sholarship in the US

From whom?

Young athletes aged 18+ and who wishes to go abroad to combine sport and studies in the best conditions.  Get the chance to practice and compete 20hrs per week on and off the field, while having access  to great level of education (12-18hrs of classes per week). You will also get the opportunity to experience the campus life, no need to commute to go from  home to practice to classes.

Which sports?

Hockey, Football, Tennis, Golf, Rugby…


Types of Scholarship

A year can cost from 25,000 $ up to 85,000$ per year. Thanks to the scholarship program in the US, young athletes often get access to full scholarships. All costs (enrolment, accommodation, food, books, travel, etc.) are covered by the university. Good grades at school and good results in English tests can help students receive even more financial aid.

Process USA

Goals definition

We help you define your athletic & academic goals to indentify the ideal university

Values network

We will get i touch with different universities and coaches to match your expectations

Paperworks & follow up

We guide you through all the admin work (visa process, housing reservation) & we ensure regular touchpoints with the student during his stay


Together we build a resume that matches your expectation and the ones from coaches that we will contact

English test

The student will have to take a test (TOEFL, SAT,…) to assess his level

Signature & Payments

Payment to Values